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The Legendary Legacy Of Harry Winston Jewellery

Harry Winston, the renowned American jeweler, is widely recognized as the "King of Diamonds" for its exceptional craftsmanship and unparalleled collection of exquisite jewelry. Founded in 1932 in New York City, Harry Winston Inc. quickly rose to prominence, becoming the preferred destination for royalty, Hollywood stars, and business tycoons. With a passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to quality, Harry Winston created a glittering legacy that continues to captivate jewelry enthusiasts around the world.
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The Early Years: A Spark of Brilliance

Born in New York in 1896, Harry Winston was introduced to the world of jewelry at an early age, working alongside his father in the family jewelry store. His innate talent and fascination with gemstones led him to purchase his first emerald at the age of 12, marking the beginning of a lifelong love affair with precious stones. Recognizing his exceptional eye for quality and design, Winston opened The Premier Diamond Company in 1920, laying the foundation for his future success.


The ‘Cluster’ Revolutionizes Jewellery Design

In the 1940s, Harry Winston introduced a groundbreaking technique known as “clustering” that would become his signature style. This innovative approach involved setting pear and marquise-cut diamonds at varying angles with minimal metal, resulting in pieces of extraordinary brilliance. One of the most iconic cluster designs is the Wreath necklace, inspired by the holly wreath that adorned Winston’s front door. The delicate prong settings give the diamonds an ethereal floating effect, making the Wreath necklace a coveted treasure in the world of high jewelry.


Dressing the Stars: Harry Winston and Hollywood

Harry Winston’s reputation as the jeweler to the stars began in the 1930s, when he toured the United States with the Jonker diamond, showcasing its beauty alongside famous actresses such as Claudette Colbert and Shirley Temple. Winston’s close relationship with Hollywood continued to flourish, and in 1944 he achieved another milestone when he became the first jeweler to dress a celebrity for the Academy Awards. His loan of diamond jewelry to Oscar nominee Jennifer Jones marked the beginning of a long tradition of Harry Winston adornments gracing the red carpet.


The Court of Jewels Tour: A Spectacle of Splendor

Harry Winston’s passion for exceptional gems has led him to acquire some of the world’s most remarkable jewels. Perhaps the most famous of these is the Hope Diamond, a stunning deep blue diamond weighing 45.52 carats. As part of his Court of Jewels exhibition from 1949 to 1953, Winston embarked on a nationwide tour to showcase his exquisite collection and raise funds for charity. This transformative event not only elevated the status of jewelry as an art form, but also cemented Harry Winston’s position as an industry visionary.

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Enduring Legacy: Continuing the Tradition of Excellence

After Harry Winston’s death in 1978, his son Ronald took the helm of the company, ensuring that the legacy of exceptional craftsmanship and unrivaled quality lived on. In 1989, Harry Winston expanded its offerings to include a collection of exquisite timepieces combining Swiss watchmaking expertise with the brand’s signature diamond brilliance. The acquisition of Harry Winston’s retail business by the Swatch Group in 2013, with Nayla Hayek as CEO, further cemented the brand’s enduring presence in the world of luxury jewelry.


The Winston Collection: A Celebration of Timeless Elegance

As Harry Winston continues to evolve, the brand remains committed to creating exceptional pieces that capture the essence of luxury and refinement. One of the brand’s most outstanding collections is the Winston Collection, which features one-of-a-kind diamonds of exquisite beauty. These remarkable treasures include the Winston Blue, a flawless 13.22 carat vivid blue diamond that sold for $24.6 million in 2014, and the Winston Pink Legacy, an extraordinary 18.96 carat vivid pink diamond that sold for $58 million at Christies in 2018.

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