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Intelligent Reporting

Stock values change and opportunities arise every day, but you do not have all day to monitor them. Let the Altoo Wealth Platform intelligently track your portfolios for you, and have it automatically alert you for insights.

Track Allocations

Track Allocations

  • Define your baseline portfolio allocation targets – currency, country, sector etc.
  • Receive alerts of deviations from your portfolio targets.
  • Arrange notification triggers for when account balances move beyond thresholds.

Manage Movements

  • Schedule regular notifications reporting gains, losses and overall market trends.
  • Set custom alerts to monitor specific risk factors tailored to your needs.
  • Stay current on your portfolio even when you are on the road.

Manage Movements

Create Watchlists

Create Watchlists

  • Build watchlists of equities meeting your investment criteria and get critical alerts when they hit your targets.
  • Divide your portfolios into clusters for group alerts according to custom criteria.
  • Bring all your monitoring alerts together in one easy overview.

Additional Platform Benefits

For financial peace of mind, you need to have one window to all your wealth.

Analyse your wealth for peace of mind, understanding risks and for planning ahead.

Altoo imports transaction information and market data from various sources with ease.

Get the highest standards of security, your data is safe in Switzerland.

Want to know more?

Are you interested in Altoo? Talk to us – we look forward to sharing more information about our vision and technology with you.

Want to know more?​

Are you interested in Altoo? Talk to us – we look forward to sharing more information about our vision and technology with you.​

Case Studies

Analyse your wealth for peace of mind, understanding risks and for planning ahead.

Family Office Concierge

Analyse your wealth for peace of mind, understanding risks and for planning ahead.

Family Office Concierge

Analyse your wealth for peace of mind, understanding risks and for planning ahead.

Family Office Concierge

Analyse your wealth for peace of mind, understanding risks and for planning ahead.

Family Office Concierge
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