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ESG Trends For 2024: Further Steps Toward A Sustainable Future

ESG Trends for 2024
As we enter 2024, a new wave of ESG trends will shape the business world and drive positive change. Here we present the top trends for 2024, providing valuable insights for companies looking to make a meaningful impact. From mandatory reporting requirements to supply chain transparency, these trends will pave the way for a more sustainable future.
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More Mandatory Disclosures

The demand for corporate transparency has reached a tipping point, and 2024 will be the year of compliance. Regulators and international organisations are establishing new rules and guidelines that will require companies to measure and report on their sustainability performance. For example, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) in Europe will expand reporting requirements to cover climate impact for companies trading in the EU. This shift from voluntary to mandatory reporting will revolutionise the way companies address their environmental impacts and pave the way for a more sustainable future.


Greenwashing In The Spotlight

Greenwashing, the practice of misleading consumers about a company’s environmental efforts, will face stricter regulations and consequences in 2024. The European Union has already taken steps to ban greenwashing and enforce rules for accurate product information. In addition, there will be increased scrutiny of carbon offsets and stricter guidelines for claims related to carbon credits. Compliance with these regulations will be a key concern for ESG teams as they work with communications and marketing teams to ensure that environmental messages are in line with regulatory requirements.


Deeper Integration with the Company Balance Sheet

As climate-related financial disclosures become mandatory, CFOs and financial controllers will play a more prominent role in ESG initiatives. The concept of “liability-driven” emissions will emerge, making risks and liabilities more visible on balance sheets and prompting many companies, particularly in the oil industry, to calculate future emissions taxes and consider the downsides of fossil fuel production. ESG teams will work with finance and risk management teams to establish internal carbon prices and prepare for a more regulated carbon environment. Transparent and sustainable supply chains will also be critical to reducing scope 3 emission, the indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain.


Scope 3 Emissions And Supply Chain Transparency

Scope 3 emissions, which can make up a significant portion of a company’s carbon footprint, are no longer being overlooked. Consumers are demanding greater transparency about product footprints and supply chain practices. Legislation such as California Senate Bills 253 and 261 will require scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions reporting for companies doing business in California. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is also promoting new sustainability frameworks for scope 3 emissions. This trend will require companies to prioritise supply chain transparency, improve data collection, and work with suppliers to minimise environmental and social impacts.

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Technological Advancements in ESG Reporting

Advances in technology will revolutionise ESG reporting, making it more efficient and accurate. Companies will adopt innovative software and tools to streamline data collection, analysis and reporting processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms will enable automated data aggregation, identification of ESG risks, and prediction of outcomes. Blockchain technology will improve transparency and traceability in supply chains, ensuring the authenticity of sustainability claims. These technological advances will enable companies to make data-driven decisions and demonstrate their commitment to ESG practices.


Impact Investing and Sustainable Finance

The rise of impact investing and sustainable finance will continue in 2024 as investors seek to align their portfolios with their values. Environmental, social, and governance factors will play a significant role in investment decisions, both for public companies and in private equity due diligence. Sustainable finance instruments, such as green bonds and sustainability loans, will grow in importance, incentivizing companies to adopt green practices. The integration of ESG criteria into investment strategies will drive capital to sustainable companies, creating a positive feedback loop for companies committed to ESG principles.

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