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According to current statistics, your wealthiest clients are likely to have a rather uniform personal profile. According to research from Wealth-X, the global population of ultra-high net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) is 89% male, with an average age of 65. In the near future, however, the population of wealth owners will include more women, Great Wealth Transfer recipients, and affluent earners having just crossed the high net worth threshold. This article outlines what you should know to best position yourself to serve tomorrow’s digital-native investors.
As a wealth manager, do your clients take your advice entirely at face value? If not, they probably have good reasons. After all, they most likely became wealthy by thinking analytically. You should not expect them to stop that analysis just because you are providing the answers. Fortunately, their difficult questions can hold immense value for both you and them. A sophisticated digital wealth platform can help you extract and unlock that value.
To keep up with constantly shifting traditional markets like real estate and equities as well as emerging asset classes like NFTs and cryptocurrencies, many family offices have recognised the importance of investing in their people’s targeted education. In this article, we list some of the best business school offerings designed to help family office executives skill up.
When wealth owners achieve financial success with their family office, they may seek additional support from it in improving other aspects of their personal lives. Here we explain why some wealth owners make such requests and provide two recommendations for family officers considering meeting them.
For family offices, going paperless not only streamlines operations but also supports a more sustainable and efficient business model. Read on for our top tips on how your family office can digitalise to improve the way you manage finances and boost overall productivity.
Single and multi family offices are contending with more complexity than ever. For family officers and the families they assist, this article lays out the three main causes of this complexity and how the Altoo Wealth Platform simplifies them.
In an ever-changing economic landscape, it is critical for high net worth individuals and families to employ effective strategies to protect their wealth. The complexities of wealth management require a comprehensive approach that encompasses a wide range of factors. Here we present you with an overview of the core strategies that can help protect your family's wealth, with a particular focus on the importance of digital wealth management in the modern era.
To successfully help high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) preserve and grow their wealth, a family office (FO) requires more than expert asset management and financial planning skills. It also needs comprehensive visibility into all the family’s assets—both those the FO manages and those it does not. Open banking is here to help. This article explains how.

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