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Automated, algorithm-driven investment platforms, commonly known as robo-advisors, have emerged as a convenient solution for portfolio management. While able to serve as an alternative to human financial advisors for fee-sensitive clients preferring a do-it-yourself approach, robo-advisors can also provide a valuable tool for traditional, relationship-driven wealth management firms to provide superior services. This article describes how.
Projections of the value of the personal assets set to change hands during the so-called Great Wealth Transfer have risen from US $129 trillion from $72 trillion. More significantly, or perhaps alarmingly, are expectations that up to 88% of heirs to this wealth will fire or replace their parents’ financial advisors. How can you position yourself to keep serving the next generation of their clients? Read on for our top three recommendations.
In recent years, very few global figures have attracted as much attention as Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. As the de facto ruler of Saudi Arabia, he has become a dominant force in shaping the country's foreign policy, implementing ambitious economic reforms, and challenging social norms. In this article, we focus on the life and political career of Mohammed bin Salman, exploring his rise to power, key policy decisions, and the lasting impact he has had on the kingdom.
The gaming industry has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions of people around the world. With advances in technology and the increasing popularity of online and mobile gaming, the industry has experienced exponential growth. In 2023, the market capitalisation of the largest gaming companies reached billions of dollars, solidifying their position as major players in the industry.
As the flagship of the Rolls-Royce line-up, the Phantom stands as a symbol of prestige and luxury. From its commanding presence on the road to its exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail, the Phantom is the epitome of automotive excellence. Join us as we explore its design, performance and the unrivalled experience it offers its owners.
As digitalisation reshapes the global economy, a trend of so-called crypto philanthropy has emerged. Involving cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, this innovative concept provides a borderless and bureaucracy-free alternative to traditional philanthropy and is poised to take on a powerful role in charitable giving.
Asian business founders and wealth owners are ageing, and more of them than ever are transferring their assets to younger family members in what has been dubbed the Great Asian Wealth Transfer. This trend is setting the stage for private wealth management advisers and banks to shine through comprehensive estate and legacy planning.
“Live within your income and save so that you can invest. Learn what you need to learn.” This advice is likely Charlie Munger’s most famous, but it is only one example of his wisdom. Working in partnership with Warren Buffett to transform Berkshire Hathaway Inc. into a world-renowned conglomerate holding company, Munger frequently shared rich insights around his principles for making winning investments and leading a meaningful life.

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