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These days, digitalisation is transforming the entire financial industry. What does that mean for professionals in the business of managing assets on behalf of wealthy and ultra-wealthy individuals? This article examines the importance of modern digital solutions for private bankers and independent asset managers in assisting them to deliver exceptional client service.
Automated, algorithm-driven investment platforms, commonly known as robo-advisors, have emerged as a convenient solution for portfolio management. While able to serve as an alternative to human financial advisors for fee-sensitive clients preferring a do-it-yourself approach, robo-advisors can also provide a valuable tool for traditional, relationship-driven wealth management firms to provide superior services. This article describes how.
Projections of the value of the personal assets set to change hands during the so-called Great Wealth Transfer have risen from US $129 trillion from $72 trillion. More significantly, or perhaps alarmingly, are expectations that up to 88% of heirs to this wealth will fire or replace their parents’ financial advisors. How can you position yourself to keep serving the next generation of their clients? Read on for our top three recommendations.
Asian business founders and wealth owners are ageing, and more of them than ever are transferring their assets to younger family members in what has been dubbed the Great Asian Wealth Transfer. This trend is setting the stage for private wealth management advisers and banks to shine through comprehensive estate and legacy planning.
The ability to extract actionable, real-time insights from multi-source data is an increasingly important success factor for wealth management businesses. Here we introduce data virtualisation as a way for them to build this ability and why they should consider adding it to their digital tool belt.
Transaction banking, which is seen as a rising star in the financial services business, gives banks a unique but tricky chance. It's important because it combines a lot of different transaction-based tasks into a single, unified business unit.
He was not a good pupil; rather, he was restless and hyperactive. As a child, Sergio Ermotti dreamed of a career in football and often stood behind the FC Lugano goal as a ball boy. But things have changed significantly: the 63-year-old manager is now one of Europe's longest-serving bank CEOs. After working as chief executive of Swiss banking giant UBS from 2011 to 2020, he regained this position in the spring of 2023.
Above all, open banking should benefit all stakeholders. Then make it convenient. Clients may easily control their finances at any time, as well as their payment commitments, assets, and provisions. Then there are the banks, which anticipate satisfied customers. FinTechs should be thrilled as well since they may access new demographics. Then, with their services, platform operators bring value to banks, consumers, and FinTechs.

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