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As a wealth manager, do your clients take your advice entirely at face value? If not, they probably have good reasons. After all, they most likely became wealthy by thinking analytically. You should not expect them to stop that analysis just because you are providing the answers. Fortunately, their difficult questions can hold immense value for both you and them. A sophisticated digital wealth platform can help you extract and unlock that value.
In today’s increasingly digitalised financial landscape, all forward-thinking wealth professionals face a shared set of challenges in consolidating, analysing, and visualising data as they monitor investments. For family officers in particular, these challenges involve three specific challenges. Here we suggest how you can successfully address them.
To keep up with constantly shifting traditional markets like real estate and equities as well as emerging asset classes like NFTs and cryptocurrencies, many family offices have recognised the importance of investing in their people’s targeted education. In this article, we list some of the best business school offerings designed to help family office executives skill up.
Most modern wealth managers have plenty of financial data of multiple types from multiple sources. The key question is: what are they going to do with it? Properly visualising the data is one of the most valuable steps for distilling meaningful insights from it – and ultimately driving superior returns for their clients. Here is why.
Modern wealth managers seek to leverage the latest digital solutions as they continuously refine their strategies. An effective portfolio management system can provide them with a technological foundation for analysing investment performance in real-time and making better, more-informed decisions regarding asset allocation, risk management, and rebalancing. Below we outline what wealth managers can expect from such a solution.
Automated, algorithm-driven investment platforms, commonly known as robo-advisors, have emerged as a convenient solution for portfolio management. While able to serve as an alternative to human financial advisors for fee-sensitive clients preferring a do-it-yourself approach, robo-advisors can also provide a valuable tool for traditional, relationship-driven wealth management firms to provide superior services. This article describes how.
Projections of the value of the personal assets set to change hands during the so-called Great Wealth Transfer have risen from US $129 trillion from $72 trillion. More significantly, or perhaps alarmingly, are expectations that up to 88% of heirs to this wealth will fire or replace their parents’ financial advisors. How can you position yourself to keep serving the next generation of their clients? Read on for our top three recommendations.
Wealthy families and their advisors face the challenge of handling complex information from diverse sources, including investment managers, lawyers, and accountants. Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a powerful ally, aiding in extracting valuable insights from this information overload and facilitating clear communication within family offices. Below we outline the top four family office use cases for AI and what to remember when embracing them.

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