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According to current statistics, your wealthiest clients are likely to have a rather uniform personal profile. According to research from Wealth-X, the global population of ultra-high net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) is 89% male, with an average age of 65. In the near future, however, the population of wealth owners will include more women, Great Wealth Transfer recipients, and affluent earners having just crossed the high net worth threshold. This article outlines what you should know to best position yourself to serve tomorrow’s digital-native investors.
According to current statistics, your wealthiest clients are likely to have a rather uniform personal profile. According to research from Wealth-X, the global population of ultra-high net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) is 89% male, with an average age of 65. In the near future, however, the population of wealth owners will include more women, Great Wealth Transfer recipients, and affluent earners having just crossed the high net worth threshold. This article outlines what you should know to best position yourself to serve tomorrow’s digital-native investors.

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