Harry Winston, the renowned American jeweler, is widely recognized as the "King of Diamonds" for its exceptional craftsmanship and unparalleled collection of exquisite jewelry. Founded in 1932 in New York City, Harry Winston Inc. quickly rose to prominence, becoming the preferred destination for royalty, Hollywood stars, and business tycoons. With a passion for excellence and an unwavering commitment to quality, Harry Winston created a glittering legacy that continues to captivate jewelry enthusiasts around the world.
In today's financial system, data and information security have become major concerns for identifying risks. The concern is particularly crucial for Family Offices (FOs) that manage the assets of wealthy families. Given the nature of their clientele, the risk of cyber threats looms. This section aims to provide an overview of the cybersecurity landscape specifically tailored to the SFO’s complexities.
Qatari investors have exhibited a particular affinity for a 55-km stretch of Sardinia's northeast coastline for over 60 years. This article introduces the backstory behind this unique resort area and what luxury travellers can find there today.
Charlie Munger, best known as Warren Buffet's right-hand man, passed away on November 28, 2023, at the age of 99. Buffet's fame as the world's foremost "buy and hold forever" investor is due in significant part to Munger's influence. This article outlines Munger's life, contributions to the investing world, and how he will be remembered.
Staying ahead of emerging threats is crucial to protecting your digital assets. The cybersecurity landscape of 2023 demanded a proactive and adaptive approach from organisations to effectively navigate the evolving threat environment. As we reflect on the past year, it's evident that the integration of advanced technologies, coupled with robust security measures, is critical for safeguarding digital assets in an ever-changing digital landscape.
The essential definition of inflation is that it is the rate of increase in prices over a given period of time. Generally speaking, it is the overall increase in prices or the increase in the cost of living in a country. But as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) notices, it can also be more narrowly calculated—for certain goods, such as food, or for services, such as a haircut, for example. The fact is that inflation hits women more than men. Why is it so, and what are the consequences?

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