What Do A Famous US Series And Parisian Real Estate Have In Common?

In the hit series "Emily in Paris," the protagonist Emily, a marketing company employee, skillfully crafts a captivating portrayal of the City of Love. This development has a direct impact on the rise in demand for luxury apartments in Paris, which affects the local real estate market.
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Americans are back in Paris

As Le Figaro reports, real estate experts have been observing the return of Americans to the city’s posh districts for several months. Between the Latin Quarter and the Eiffel Tower, 20 percent of buyers are now foreigners, with a particularly high number of Americans in the luxury sector. In the series, the main character Emily lives near the Sorbonne University in the Latin Quarter. This area around the Champs-Élysées is also in demand among customers. The Marais and the 9th arrondissement below Montmartre, which were particularly hip in recent years, are no longer quite as popular as before. The bourgeois neighbourhoods in particular are celebrating a comeback with Americans. These clients are primarily looking for renovated flats that are ready for immediate occupancy and optimally equipped. For exceptional properties, they are willing to spend 30,000 euros and more per square metre.


The biggest group of buyers

Statistics say that the number of foreign buyers in Paris increased by 65 percent in 2022. The USA is now represented with a share of 21 percent, far ahead of Italy with eleven percent and Lebanon in third place with eight percent. In the ultra-luxury segment, where real estate properties cost at least four million euros, foreign buyers account for 50 percent at Junot (real estate agency), and here too, the share of Americans is particularly large. This trend is expected to continue in 2023, the Parisian real-estate experts say. The reason is that the wealth of many Americans has increased in recent years because economic growth in the USA has been stronger than in Europe. Eighty percent of American real estate buyers do not even need a loan.

Idealistic Viewpoint

The latest Ifop survey on the Emily series in the USA for the French internet travel site “Bonjour New York” confirms Americans’ special love for France. According to the survey, Emily fans in the USA have a more positive image of France than non-Emily viewers. Overall, 73 percent of Americans have a positive image of France. Among fans of the series, the figure is 86 percent. So there really is an “Emily in Paris” effect.

54 percent of American Emily fans dream of living in France, whereas only 25 percent of Americans who have not seen the series do. The reality in Paris does not disappoint Americans. 89 percent of those who have travelled to Paris in the last ten years find that “Emily in Paris” is close to reality.

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