Financial podcasts offer a wealth of information for high-net-worth individuals who want to stay informed and make smart financial decisions. Whether you're interested in real estate investing, retirement planning, or philanthropy, there's a podcast out there for you. Here are five of the best financial podcasts of 2023.
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The Wealth Enterprise Briefing

The Wealth Enterprise Briefing is a podcast that highlights the latest trends in investment strategies for ultra-high-net-worth families. The podcast, which Michael Zeuner, Managing Partner of WE Family Offices, hosts, features interviews with industry experts on financial news and investment topics that affect forward-thinking families. Listeners can learn about topics ranging from family governance and philanthropy to alternative investments and portfolio management.

The Fiscal Feminist

The Fiscal Feminist is a podcast about women and their relationships with money and finances, hosted by Kimberlee Davis, Managing Director and Partner at The Bahnsen Group. The podcast focuses on personal wealth consulting and oversees financial and retirement planning solutions for high-net-worth individuals and multi-generational families. Davis specialises in helping individuals transition to financial independence after life-changing events.

The Breakthru Podcast

J. Paul Fridenmaker is the host of the Breakthru Podcast, which focuses on fundraising and inviting generous people to support causes all over the world. The podcast interviews high-net-worth donors from around the world to learn how fundraisers can do their best work by inviting people to the party. Listeners can expect to hear about the latest trends in philanthropy and gain insight into how wealthy individuals approach giving.

The Alternative Investor

The Alternative Investor is a podcast that delves into the world of alternative investments and uncovers the strategies of the ultra-wealthy. Hosted by Bob Fraser, Jim Maffuccio, and Ben Fraser, the podcast explores the world of real estate, private equity, and hedge funds. Listeners can expect to learn about alternative investment strategies and gain insight into how the ultra-wealthy diversify their portfolios.

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The Equedia Letter

The Equedia Letter is one of the fastest growing and largest investment newsletters dedicated to revealing the truth about the stock market. Originally offered only to high-net-worth individuals, the Letter is now read by thousands of bankers, brokers, analysts, fund managers, and individual investors. The Equedia Letter has grown not only because of its investment insights, but also because of its unbiased approach to financial news.

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