Three History & Current-Affairs Books To Get Stuck Into

Nothing gets people talking like a political exposé, and with the possibility of a new geopolitical world order dominating headlines over the last few years, the world of politics has certainly been nothing but interesting. No matter where your allegiances and interests lie, if you’re looking to discover more, our picks of the best books on the market right now are both educational and entertaining – and some will even make you laugh.
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Why Nations Fail
The origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.

By Daron Acemoğlu und James A. Robinson

What are the causes of the political and economic success or failure of states?
This question is explored in the work: Why Nations Fail: The origins of power, wealth and poverty. It looks not only at traditional aspects such as a country’s geography, climate and culture, but also at social, political/institutional and economic aspects.

The Anarchy
The East India Company, Corporate Violence and the Plunder of an Empire.

By William Dalrymple

The book deals with the actions of the East India Company in India, which in 1765 overthrew the Mughal emperor and replaced him with English merchants. Over the years, a private army formed around them to help collect taxes. This enabled them to pursue a policy that soon extended to almost the whole of India.

The Reordering of the World

The Rise of the Emerging Markets and the Arrogance of the West.
By Christian Hiller von Gaertringen

Economic journalist Christian Hiller von Gaertringen’s work focuses on the distribution of power, particularly economic power, among the countries of the world.
He argues that a multipolar world order is emerging, in which neither the US nor China will be the sole power. 

The book is written in German.

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