The Most Important Upcoming Fintech Events

The digitization of financial markets has brought about exciting and rapid changes. In order to inform people about the latest developments, more and more events are being organised in this area. So if you want to expand your knowledge in the fields of fintech, digitization, or asset management, here is a list of the most important European events for September and October 2023.
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Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services 2023

September, 6th–7th, 2023, London, UK

“Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services”, is the name of the conference upcoming in September. Over 150 executives from leading financial institutions will meet over two days to discuss current AI achievements, new tools, and when and where they are best used.


Swiss Fintech Fair 2023

September 8th, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland

The Swiss Fintech Fair is a place where the most important fintech discussions and connections in Switzerland are practically held. More than 800 participants from Swiss and international banks, insurance companies, financial and government institutions, as well as fintech companies and technology providers, will gather in to discuss the latest trends. The leading Swiss Fintech Fair offers the opportunity to meet and collaborate with executives, investors, innovation teams of companies, disruptors, and fintech talents from all over Europe in one place.

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Payment Leaders’ Summit Europe

September 12th–13th, 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The Payments Leader Summit will return to the Netherlands, after being so successful last year. Selected executives, policymakers, and budget managers from all over Europe will gather for this exclusive event of the Payments Leaders’ Summit.


14th NextGen Payments and RegTech Forum

September 20th–21st, 2023, Athens, Greece

The 14th NextGenPayments and RegTech Forum brings together Europe’s leading payments and regtech experts. It provides you with exclusive insights into payment trends, regtech developments, regulation, and the latest technologies that shape the payment and regtech industries. Everyone looking for new knowledge is welcome.


Blockchain Expo Europe 2023

September 26th–27th, 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Join the Blockchain Expo Europe 2023 to learn more about the current state of the industry and its future development. This technology event is intended for ambitious blockchain enthusiasts who want to learn about the latest developments, implementations, and strategies of blockchain technology.


Swiss Digital Finance Conference

September 27th, 2023, Rotkreiz, Switzerland

The Swiss Digital Finance Conference brings together Swiss financial players and informs them about current technology trends and their impact on the industry. All participants at this year’s conference, will learn everything that is important on the topic “AI & Finance-Hype or Game Changer?” It is the conference where the classical financial world rises to its challenges in the digital age. It provides the audience with an overview of the latest technology trends and how they affect the financial sector.


Digital Nomad Conference Switzerland

September 30th, 2023, Bern, Switzerland

The aim of the event is to convey practical information about local work and to meet like-minded people. The creation of a nomadic lifestyle, coliving, and coworking, as well as new employment models, are other topics. Not to be forgotten is the unique opportunity to network with other nomads, share travel stories and work experiences. The main speakers will show how digital nomads live and work, and give practical tips.


Digital Integration in Wealth Management Switzerland 2023

October 4th-5th, 2023, Zurich, Switzerland

To incorporate a strategic road map for the integration of digital tools into the offer, leading representatives of private banks and asset management companies will meet in October in Zurich. The title of the conference is “Digital Integration in Wealth Management Switzerland”. Visitors will discover innovative ways to reach the next generation of customers as well as new insights into the practical application of new technologies such as AI and hybrid advisory. Practical applications, problems, and solutions faced by asset managers and banks are also part of the conference programme.


Seamless Europe 2023

October 18th–19th, 2023, Berlin, Germany

All C-level people in one place! On, CDOs, CTOs, CIOs, CFOs, and executives from payment, technology, innovation, and digital transformation will gather to discuss merchant payments, cash-free, mobile money, international, and B2B payments. The guests also include dealers, acquirers, PSPs, regulators, and mobile operators.


Milan Fintech Summit 2023

October 24th-26th, 2023, Milan, Italy

Financial technology companies are working to transform the financial services sector by creating new products and solutions for consumers and changing the future of finance forever. The best Italian and international fintech companies, as well as the most influential high-level speakers, will present their innovations and solutions as well as meet investors, stakeholders, and customers.

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