The Great Gatsby’s Lessons On Wealth And Money

Photo Credit: Mikolaj Niemczewski for Adobe Stock Imagery
In Francis Scott Fitzgerald's timeless novel, The Great Gatsby, the themes of wealth and money take centre stage. Through the characters and their experiences, Fitzgerald offers valuable insights into the role of wealth in shaping people's lives and aspirations. In this article, we delve into the lessons that The Great Gatsby can teach us about wealth and money.
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Ultimately, Fitzgerald wants readers to understand that money alone will not bring happiness. Our takeaway is that it is important to dedicate time – perhaps everyone’s most valuable asset – to building personal relationships. By offering you a comprehensive, automatically updated view of all your financial assets, the Altoo Wealth Platform helps you gain not only peace of mind that your wealth is under control but also more time to pursue the things that money cannot buy.


The Power of Wealth and Its Influence

At its core, The Great Gatsby demonstrates the immense power that wealth holds in society. The characters in the novel, especially those with old money, are revered and respected solely because of their financial status. The Buchanans, for example, belong to the elite upper class and enjoy the privileges and social standing that money affords them. Their wealth gives them access to exclusive circles, a luxurious lifestyle, and a sense of superiority over others, but Fitzgerald also explores the dangers of this power. 

The pursuit of wealth can lead individuals down a path of moral decay and recklessness. Tom Buchanan embodies the careless and selfish nature often associated with the rich. His actions and infidelity demonstrate the dark side of wealth and how money can corrupt one’s values and relationships.

The Hollowness of Materialism

In The Great Gatsby, materialism reigns supreme as characters indulge in lavish displays of wealth and extravagant lifestyles. From Gatsby’s opulent mansion to the lavish parties, material possessions become symbols of status and success.

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Yet beneath the surface, this materialism masks a profound emptiness and moral vacuum: despite their wealth, the characters in the novel exhibit a lack of genuine connection and happiness. Their pursuit of material possessions and social status leaves them feeling hollow and unfulfilled. Fitzgerald critiques this obsession with materialism, suggesting that true fulfilment and happiness cannot be found in the accumulation of wealth alone.

The Corrupting Influence of Wealth

Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald portrays the corrupting influence of wealth on individuals and society. The old money elite does not fully accept the characters with newfound wealth, such as Gatsby. Gatsby’s wealth is seen as tainted, acquired through illegal means, and lacking the social pedigree of old money.

Furthermore, the pursuit of wealth often leads to moral compromise and the erosion of values. Characters like Tom and Daisy Buchanan exemplify this, as their wealth allows them to act with impunity and disregard the consequences of their actions. Fitzgerald suggests that the pursuit of wealth can lead to a loss of integrity and a disregard for others.

The Elusive Nature of Happiness

In The Great Gatsby, money and happiness are not synonymous. Despite the characters’ wealth, they struggle to find true happiness and contentment. Gatsby’s obstinate pursuit of Daisy stems from a desire to relive the joy he once felt. However, his wealth and material possessions cannot recreate the past or fill the void in his life.

Fitzgerald raises questions about the nature of happiness and its relationship to wealth. The novel suggests that true happiness lies beyond material possessions and can only be found through genuine human connection, love, and personal fulfilment.

Alongside literature, your own wealth data can also teach you a lot – if you can listen to it. The Altoo Wealth Platform gives it a “voice” by bringing it all together, analysing it, and presenting it in intuitive dashboards.



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