If elections were held today, the Greens would only have a little more than 10% of the electorate, according to the latest surveys by the Swiss polling institutes LeeWas and Sotomo. The Green Liberals are currently at 8.2% in polls.
Political scientist Sarah Bütikofer from the University of Zurich says that climate protection is still a big issue. In times of war and crises, however, so is security or energy. “This leads to more traditional voters being mobilised,” says Bütikofer. However, they mostly opt for centre and right-wing parties.
What do citizens want?
As has been the case since 1976, this year Credit Suisse also surveyed its so-called “Compass for Switzerland” worry barometer. For citizens, health issues and health insurance premiums (34%) top the list, followed by the environment (33%), inflation (32%) and pensions (31%).
According to the Sotomo Institute survey, the top two places remain unchanged, but third place goes to immigration (33%), followed by social security (25%) and energy security (24%). The sixth place belongs to pension reform (22%).
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What are the parties offering?
A common denominator in the election campaign is the fight against inflation and dwindling prosperity. Each party wants to achieve the goal by different means.
The reason for satisfaction, however, may be found in Die Mitte. In previous elections, it won the votes as the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland. After merging with the Civic Democratic Party in January 2021 and under a new name, it would get 13.9% of the vote today (2019: 11.4%). Above all, it fights against rising health insurance premiums as well as against higher taxation of married couples.
The party with the most voters, the SVP (27.9% according to polls), is focusing on linking immigration and energy. And on voter annoyances, which, according to the latest SRG election barometer, are aroused above all by gender issues and the climate sticker. Their calculation: those who are annoyed will go to the polls. “100,000 additional votes is the target,” said SVP vice-president and campaign manager Marcel Dettling the other day.
Shortage of skilled workers: an important issue
An important election campaign tool of the Social Democrats is their initiative for a 13th old-age and survivors’ insurance pension (AHV). They will also focus on strengthening purchasing power, equality and the climate crisis.
The Liberals (FDP) address their voters with issues such as security, energy supply and prosperity. The shortage of skilled workers, which is currently worsening drastically in the country, plays a major role: at the end of 2022, more than 120,000 jobs were unfilled in Switzerland, more than at any time since 2003, according to figures from the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).
Numerous vacancies exist in various sectors; in manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, IT and construction. “Modernisation and flexibilisation of the labour market and labour law are necessary”, is what liberals are saying.