It is worth reflecting on why philanthropy, and foundations in particular, are so important in the face of these global geopolitical and social events. The fact is that philanthropy has limited tools in its toolbox to address these crises. But if used correctly, philantrophy can be very powerful. Think of how, throughout modern history, civil society and its organisations. These organisations are at a crucial crossroads when it comes to the use of private money for the benefit of the common good. At their best, private philanthropic organisations are in a position to address needs that are not being met by the state. For example, they make sure that the voices of civil society are heard.
Key role in the Agenda 2030
Philanthropic and non-profit organisations play a key role in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda – the Agenda 2030 – but are often not understood as actors and also lack transparency. It is therefore important to critically examine how foundations and other charitable organisations operate and how they can promote open and informed discussions on effective philanthropy.
Many are calling for a reorientation, particularly of the large nonprofits that receive the big shares of funding. The aim of reorienting these big players should be to become more effective and generous partners for smaller non-profits in driving change. This has happened in Switzerland as elsewhere, particularly during the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic. This crisis showed that many of the long-standing practices and ideas that we thought were immutable among large foundations and other funders in the nonprofit sector are reformable if there is genuine will and support from decision-makers.
New practices already in place
Simplifying reporting, encouraging innovation, experimenting with participatory funding modalities are some of the practices that foundations in Switzerland, among others, have experimented with. The question now is: will the non-profit sector maintain these new funding practices or return to more traditional practices?
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