Water Bubble
Water Bubble
We are pleased to announce the new Liquidity Planning functionality is now available as an additional module in the Altoo Wealth Platform. We are delighted to offer all customers a free trial to explore and ensure our new feature meets your needs.
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Introducing Liquidity Planning

Over the last few months we have been working towards making it easier for you to understand your current liquidity, and to support you in planning your future liquidity needs.

Today, we are pleased to announce the new functionality is now available as an additional module in our Altoo Wealth Platform. In line with our customer satisfaction objectives we are delighted to offer all customers a free trial to ensure our new liquidity planning feature meets your needs. Get in touch with our wealth servicing team today to realize the benefits liquidity planning has for you.


Using the liquidity planning report

The liquidity planning report provides you with an aggregated view of all your cash positions across your wealth. You will be able to view the liquidity by currency, structure, or by custodian. And of course apply various filters as in all previous reports.

The report will display your current liquidity and a forecast into the future by taking into account the future cash flows that are recorded on the Altoo Wealth Platform. You will also be able to navigate back in time to see how your liquidity has evolved in the past and how it will transition into the future.

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Liquidity Planning


Defining your liquidity

By default, the report will take into account all cash accounts to calculate the current liquidity, but of course you can fine tune this to your needs. On the one hand you can define what you consider “liquid” investments. For example, if you also consider money market investments as liquid, you can do so by adding this sub asset class. On the other hand, you can exclude anything that is not accessible immediately, e.g. because it is held in a trust.

Once you have the selection that you need, you can save this selection for easy access in the future.



If you are looking for a simple yet comprehensive way to define and understand your liquidity needs, then Altoo is exactly the product you are looking for. You can find out more about the Altoo Wealth Platform or contact us here on our website.

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