Jura Coffee Machines: A Swiss Giant In The Business

Enjoying a high-quality espresso not only in a café but also at home belongs to everyday life. The Swiss-made Jura automatic coffee machines are rated as one of the best in the world.
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The Swiss multiple Grand Slam winner Roger Federer knows the secret. As a Brand Ambassador for JURA coffee machines both in Switzerland and internationally, he stands for performance, precision, elegance, prestige, and passion for excellence.


Based in Niederbuchsiten

Leo Henzirohs started the company in 1931, during the Great Depression. Its name comes from the beautiful Jura mountain range in Switzerland, which stretches from the northwest corner of the Swiss Confederation to the Franche-Comte area in eastern France. Henzirohs started making electrical home appliances because he thought that was what people needed to make their work easy.

JURA has proven to be one of the most durable businesses in the world, just like the mountains. The company is still based in its original city, Niederbuchsiten (Canton of Solothurn). In the 1980s, its clothes-ironing products did very well, and Jura still sells “retro” irons and other items that remind people of a different time. 

In the 21st century, the company has mostly decided to focus on its line of fully automatic espresso coffee machines, which are sold all over the world but are especially popular in Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia.

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More than half a million Pieces 

According to a press release from June 2023, JURA Elektroapparate AG’s sales for the 2022 fiscal year were CHF 688.7 million (2019: CHF 542.4 million). For the second year in a row, JURA sold over 500,000 fully automatic coffee machines in one year. This time, they sold 511,500 units. 

“With an investment volume of CHF 29 million, the new building (of the Innovation, Technology, and Quality Centre, editor’s note) is a clear commitment to Switzerland as a location for innovation and offers an attractive working environment for around 50 employees from the R&D department,” notices the statement. The company employs 868 people worldwide.


Very good in every Way

Jura machines claim to be able to grind, tamp, brew, and self-clean in less than 60 seconds. While this definitely speeds up the time it takes to make a coffee and clean the machine (as compared to using a manual espresso machine, for example), there are many other factors that go into what makes a great coffee machine. 

For example, the espresso brewing process for the Jura E8 has been 100% perfected. The Pulse Extraction Process (P.E.P.®) is the only process of its kind in the world. It optimizes the extraction time and guarantees the very best aroma, even for short specialty coffees.

At the touch of a button, the Jura E8 can make coffee, lattes, flat whites, macchiatos, cappuccinos, and more right away. The E8 got the best score of “very good” from the German Foundation Warentest (Stiftung Warentest), which is the most famous competition for different products. It is a popular follow-up to the IMPRESSA espresso machine, which came out in 1994. In its many versions, it has won hundreds of awards around the world.

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