When you look up in the evening, you can only see a star-studded sky in a few places. This is because light pollution frequently contaminates the night. Light smog affects not only the eclipse and ecosystems, but also ourselves. But what exactly does this mean for us and our environment?
Where to go next now that the first half of the summer break is over? Sailing is always a favourite pastime for the wealthy, whether it is with friends and family, or participating in a team-building activity. Take a look at these five advices from yachting pros.
Those who have experienced it will remember it their whole lives: instead of relaxation on the Greek island of Rhodes, fear for one's life has come in the wake of forest fires. The fire has spread from the central part of the island to the seaside resorts. A rush to pack up and head back home has seen many tourists as Greek emergency services evacuated more than 20,000 people.
The goals and corresponding environmental targets are set out in the City of Zurich's environmental strategy. The various departments integrate them into their respective strategies and instruments. The environmental strategy also defines the indicators for the various environmental goals and regularly presents progress in the City of Zurich's environmental report.
Many regions in Africa are already suffering the effects of climate change. Rapid population growth requires rapid industrial development to ensure food security. At the same time, efforts are being made to protect the climate and the environment.
The latest addition to the transportation industry is unlike anything that has come before. A new mode of travel promises to be faster, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly than anything that has come before. This revolutionary new technology is called the Hyperloop. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about this new technology, its potential benefits, and the challenges it faces.
In the field of sustainability, Finland is at the top not only in European but also global comparisons. Regardless of whether it's the amount of household waste or recycling rates, Finland is in first place. This is the first time that the country has been able to beat its neighbours, Sweden and Norway, which have dominated the top of the rankings in the past.
Individual mobility is a basic human need. It is a sign of individual freedom and independence and plays an important role in connecting cultures: people want to travel (some even have to), and travel connects people and countries. But is flying sustainable in the context of current climate issues?

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