The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has published a discussion article called "Prototype of a Green Classification Framework for Hong Kong" to seek views on the development and introduction of a green taxonomy for Hong Kong. But what exactly is it all about?
When her critics talk about climate activist Greta Thunberg, they like to portray the now 19-year-old Swede as a naïve as well as radical speaker who pursues noble goals - but loses sight of the economic and social realities of our world. Greta Thunberg herself has made it her mission to secure the future of life on earth, a seemingly impossible task. And yet she has managed to mobilise hundreds of thousands of people and bring public focus to this issue. In her book, you find a harsh reckoning with the global elites.
Organic solar cells are an even more unknown technology, but in the world of technology, they have already caused some turbulence. The technology is one of the latest innovations in the solar energy market. A lot of potential is attributed to this product in the area of renewable energy. What are organic solar cells, and how can they be used?
At a time when environmental awareness and sustainable principles have become paramount, the landscape of luxury and leisure is undergoing profound change. Even activities known for their opulence and exclusivity, such as golf, are embracing change. In this article, we explore how this sector is moving towards a more environmentally conscious future.
Ground trawler fishing is the method of fishing with the greatest impact on the seabed and the ecosystem. It damages the climate, biodiversity, and fish stocks in the sea. Nevertheless, in Europe, ground trawling is still allowed in marine protected areas, despite the fact that these are areas for the protection of marine flora and fauna.
It might not be immediately evident that the financial industry may also help with the transition to the Paris Climate Agreement, a legally enforceable international climate change pact. To keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, all sectors of society must decarbonize. By 2050, net zero emissions should be reached. The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) has a difficult challenge. We explain the details below.
Since combating climate change is one of the challenges of the century, some buildings have already been designed and built. The new trends in urban planning have a positive impact on the environment by minimising carbon footprints and providing habitat for flora and fauna. They can also provide natural resources to the local area, e.g., solar power, to supplement local energy needs.
When it comes to iconic architects who have left an irreplaceable mark on the world of design, few can compare to the legendary Norman Foster. With a career spanning more than half a century, Foster's innovative and visionary approach has reshaped urban landscapes around the world. From his pioneering high-tech structures to his commitment to sustainability, Foster's work continues to inspire and captivate audiences around the world.

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