Introducing benchmarking
Over the last few weeks, we have started to roll out a much anticipated new feature: Benchmarking. And we are pleased to announce that this is now fully available!
This feature not only allows you to benchmark your portfolios against well-known market indices but additionally it is also possible, for example, to compare all your assets against each other, or even against instruments you don’t own.
Benchmarking a portfolio
The most popular way to use benchmarking is to compare your portfolio against one of the well-known market indices.
You can also benchmark any other individual asset (e.g. a specific stock) or any selection of assets (e.g. all your equity investments across all custodians). Additionally, not only our predefined indices can be used for comparison, but also any other asset (or portfolio) in your wealth, or any financial instrument that has an ISIN.
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Composite benchmarks
If your portfolio consists of assets across multiple asset classes and it’s not possible to select just a single index for comparison, it is also possible to create a composite benchmark consisting of multiple components.
If you are looking for a simple yet comprehensive way to benchmark your global asset portfolio within a family office software environment, then Altoo is exactly the product you are looking for. You can find out more about the Altoo Wealth Platform or contact us here on our website.