How To Feel Better

Whether you struggle to get going in the morning, are prone to an afternoon slump or feel completely drained at the end of the day, experts say even small lifestyle changes can make a big difference to your energy. Here is how to get back on track.
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Movement and relaxation

Have you heard of Qigong? This mind-body exercise is an essential aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. It combines elements of martial arts, but is performed with slow and flowing movements. Therefore, many consider Qigong to be a type of meditative movement. Breathing, physical and movement exercises, concentration and meditation exercises are all part of this practice.

Try to meditate

Meditation exercises can help focus on the moment, release negative thought spirals and find clarity of thought. Furthermore, meditation techniques and exercises promote mindfulness, which makes it easier to become aware of one’s physical and emotional situations and relieve pent-up stress.

Eat healthy and drink plenty of water

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This is such an easy tip but not many follow it. Exercise, sleep and a balanced diet could be defined as the cornerstones of well-being. Nutrition provides your system with the best nutrients, and the recommended amount of water ensures that the nutrients reach the organs in the best possible way. The more vital substances and less harmful substances are present in your diet, the less energy your body has to expend to perform all its functions in the best possible way.

Fresh air and sunlight

When you’re not feeling well in your daily life and neither your head nor your body is in good shape, a walk in the fresh air can be a good solution. The cells are invigorated by an increased influx of oxygen, in combination with light exercise this helps to improve health. Just 20-30 minutes of daily exercise in the fresh air can help to improve well-being in the long term.

To increase the general well-being, some factors are necessary, but these can be implemented gradually and usually do not require a radical change in daily life. Even if they seem gentle at first glance, in the long term, they have a positive effect on the body and mind.

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